This site will be GONE from this location SOON! Please join us at the NEW location (click above) This location will NOT be updated any longer.


HEY KIDS-Find the answer to the "Edsel Is a No Go" question HERE. Seems teachers like making kids work thru the Billy Joel song "We Didn't Start the Fire" and explain the history references. I get about a zillion e-mails a year from kids who want to know about this reference in the song. Just follow this link!

Otherwise, if you're looking for information on the Edsel, built by the Ford Motor Company 1958-1960, you've come to the right place. Check the links below to find the information you need. If you have any comments or questions

drop me an e-mail.


Table of Contents: Just a click will take you there!

Amsoil Synthetic Lubricants are good for your EDSEL and good for America. I've been an Independent Amsoil Dealer and satisfied user since 1979. Click the Amsoil logos to visit my dealer site, learn about AMSOIL and place your order for Amsoil products.

Recent Car Shows We've attended. Reports with comments/photos, focus on Edsels

"Ryan & the Del-Rays"

Click the Roller Skate and visit myRoller Skating Page and download some great vintage Roller Records skating music from the 1950's!

Following are some other mildly interesting links to stuff I've uploaded for one reason or another that have never had links from my web site. Lots of photos, lots of interesting and even scary stuff, so if you're up to it, have a look at the following links:

Flooding McGregor, MN 2001

BIG collection of actual snapshots from the 1950's (These are REALLY cool!)

My Daughters Graduation Open House 2002 (With Vintage Argus Camera)

Few shots of the kids in their younger days (scanned from slides)

Grand Rapids High School Prom 2002--Snapshots of Daughter & Friends

Jazz Jam and the Rainbow Inn

Butts Across America (Don't ask)

Click for Bovey, Minnesota Forecast


Puddles on the Garage Floor

..drippings from my mind....

My Editorial Thoughts on the State of the World Today



BULLETIN: There are more Deadbeat MOMS than DADS!!

I also dabble as a freelance photographer/writer. See some of my work at:

Tim Verthein Photography

Just counting off the number of Edsel fans stopping by.